Cryptocurrency Dollar Cost Average Calculator

Fiat Currency
Initial Investment
Start Date
End Date

Sharable Link


Total Invested


Net Worth


Total Cryptocurrency


Return on Investment

Dollar Cost Average Performance Chart


What is Dollar Cost Averaging in Cryptocurrency?

Dollar Cost Averaging or DCA for short is an investment strategy that allows an investor to invest in a certain asset that are spread out in increments, rather than investing everything at once. Each contribution that you will make in DCA should be done within the same frequency and amount. There are no set frequency on dollar cost averaging. Meaning, you can invest into a certain asset, such as cryptocurrency every day, week, month, or year. If you were to use DCA consistently, you will be averaging the price of that asset over the timeframe you'd started dollar cost averaging. The goal of dollar cost averaging is to avoid purchasing a asset or cryptocurrency in one huge lump-sum investment and instead spread out the investment into consistent intervals in order to prevent you from purchasing the asset at the worst time of the market. Dollar cost averaging can be extremly beneficial to cryptocurrencies, given the crypto market tends to be very volatile compared to a traditional stock market.

How to use Dollar Cost Averaging Calculator for a Cryptocurrency?

Our cryptocurrency calulator is easy to use! First, select your desired cryptocurrency and fiat currency, then input in the frequency that you would like to invest into your desired cryptocurrency. From there, enter your intial investment and your contributions based on the frequency that you have selected. Lastly, enter in the timeframe of the dollar cost average period. Our calculator will then calculate your input and generate an interactive graph and an informative chart based on the data you have inputted.

About Fintral

This website provides investors easy to use information and data about cryptocurrencies and stocks. We want to make the lives easier for investors and hodlers by providing innovative solutions in order to track their assets and investments.

We are constantly working hard to improve our tools, especially our cryptocurrency exchange rate calculator. In the future, we will soon incorporate other features within our cryptocurrency calculator, such as historical prices, real-time pricing, and staking information.

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Data fetched from our and Live and Historical Price API.